Brandon Ballet 2024 Summer Intensive
To pay tuition, please use the link above to go to the SHOP page and select
either the 2024 Summer Intensive Full Payment or a 2024 Summer Intensive Installment Payment (April, May, June).
Updated 5/21/2024
Why Attend a Summer Intensive?
Summer is quite an important time for the training dancer. The large break in the school year allows students to get much needed rest and relaxation as well as give more time and focus to their hobbies that often take backseat to schoolwork. While we advise against spending an ENTIRE summer honing your technique, we all know that everyone’s bodies need rest to prevent injury and burnout, we do recommend attending an intensive during the summer to keep new skills fresh, maintain athletic ability, and grow in personalized ways that are not possible during the year.
Most often, dancers take class 1-4/week, depending on the age or technique level. In the Brandon Ballet Summer Intensive however, dancers are in class every single day for three weeks! While that may sound like a lot, it’s actually the perfect amount to time to see incredible growth in performance and artistry as well as leave room for other summer activities. Our intensives classes are small in number yet big in return and benefit. Each dancer receives individualized guidance in an inclusive and intensive environment in various genres including ballet, pointe, partnering, jazz, modern, and more!
Dates: Monday, June 3 – Friday, June 21, 2024
Meeting Days: Mondays to Fridays, 9:30A – 4:00P (except for the final day 6/21 with ends after the 5:30-6:30 Repertory Showing we invite you to attend).
Breaks: Dancers receive an hour lunch break as well as additional small breaks throughout the day.
Class Groupings: Dancers will train in two groups for a total of three weeks.
Tuition Payments
Payments for the 2024 Summer Intensive will be accepted ONLINE ONLY. All payments are non-refundable and must be submitted in a timely manner.
2024 Guest Faculty
Click on each photo to read more about the instructors you’ll learn from this summer!

Unique aspects of our Program:
- Daily classes In ballet and pointe Additional classes In modern, jazz, character, and more!
- Pas de deux classes!
- Specialized health and wellness classes taught by practicing professionals
- Performance opportunity at the end of the three weeks.
Can dancers age 18+ participate in the Summer Intensive?
Dancers of all ages are welcome to audition! If you are over the age of 18, please contact us at dance@brandonballet.org for specific information
How much does the full 3-week intensive cost?
You’ll find that our Intensive tuition rates are quite competitive. Dancers work with a wide range of renowned performers and Instructors In the dance Industry, but at a price that is accessible to many families.